you really want to read this ish?

09.03.23 – Crystal – I’m back again. Please excuse my absence, I haven’t allowed myself much time for special projects as of late. Life has been moving at a pace that I have been barely able to keep up with. I just posted a new track called Dungeon, you can find it on the music page. I hope you like it. <3

04.16.22 – Crystal – So, It’s been a little bit since I’ve been on here but I thought I should throw something up to break the ice. I have a couple of tracks I’ve been working on that have been slow to develop. I have the core ideas but I think that I’m struggling with them because I’m starting to develop my own sound. I really am proud of what I’m working on and will release it at some point but please bare with me while I travel this road. New stuff coming soon.

02.26.22 – Crystal – This is my bestest best friend Tweak. At 13 years old, she crossed the rainbow bridge today. She was a master cuddler, a tug-of-war champion, frisbee fiend, full of kisses and never barked. She filled a special place in my heart that now and forever belongs to her. I’ll miss her always.

01.22.22 – Crystal – Don’t ask me to explain “Pancakes”… I really can’t.

01.21.22 – Crystal – I upgraded to Ableton 11 Suite today. I was aware that some new things had been added but I didn’t realize how much! Wow! I was feeling inspired while I was checking out the updates and such and put together “Mourning Breath” it’s available on the music page. It’s always fun as a musician to get a new shinny thing to make sounds with. Also, Happy New Year!

12.14.21 – Crystal –There is something about the winter in Minnesota that sucks the life out of me. It’s days like today that I miss Arizona the most. Also, I’ve been streaming on Twitch again as of late if anyone is interested. It’s not only gaming but also music production. So far it’s nothing interesting but it’s how I do things I guess…

12.06.21 – Crystal – I never know what to write.

12.04.21 – Crystal – I’ve been thinking for a while now that I’d like to build my own website. Here we are. I really started off buying the domain and site so that I could just have my own custom email Stupid maybe but it turned into so much more then that. I figured someone might actually go to and see what was there, if I never published a page, nothing would be there for anyone to see and would then make my email address kinda well, dumb. Now I’ve attempted to create a place for people to go to see what I’m up to without having to go to a giant social media site. So, if you are reading this shit, I love you <3